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Kid's World of Smiles


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Avoid Baby Bottle Cavities

27 February 2024

Did You Know: that you may be putting your precious baby at risk of lifelong dental problems by giving them a bottle at night.

True or False : Baby Teeth are not important since they fall out and are replaced by adult teeth  This is False and a common misconception among parents. 

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Why are Baby Teeth necessary: Baby Teeth are not only necessary for your child’s nutrition allowing them to chew a variety of healthy foods, but they maintain the space needed for their adult teeth to develop into the mouth. Other developmental milestones including speech habits and your child’s smile are related to baby teeth. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for bacteria that lead to cavities to destroy your child’s teeth. When young children develop tooth decay parents are left with harsh choices such as having their child sedated to treat the decay with procedures such as extractions, restorative treatment as well as the risk of infection that can spread to through the child’s body leading to hospitalization .     

Avoid this : As your child develops teeth it becomes crucial not to give them a bottle at night. Even “healthy” liquids such as milk and juice can lead to tooth decay as these break down into sugar which leads to acid on the teeth causing enamel breakdown and tooth decay.

Bottle substitute: Some parents try substituting a pacifier for the bottle but be aware that a pacifier can lead to the misalignment of teeth and changes in the shape of the mouth leading to tooth crowding and other issues. If a bottle is necessary, only fill with a little water to soothe your child. We recommend checking with your pediatrician regarding any liquid given to your infant at night.

Infant mouth cleaning: To clean your child’s mouth gently wipe your infant’s gums with a clean, damp cloth after feedings. When the first tooth comes in use a small child sized toothbrush and a light smear of child safe toothpaste. Schedule an appointment for your child to see a dentist by age 1 or when their first teeth erupt into the mouth.

Kids World of Smiles is committed to quality preventative dental care for children of all ages. We strive for patients to enjoy a lifetime of good dental health.

28 February 2024
Early Treatment: If your child experiences symptoms of crowding, baby teeth that aren’t coming out, pain when adult teeth are erupting into the mouth, front teeth with excessive spacing in between or jutting forward, trouble biting teeth together or a narrow and high palate (roof of mouth) and crooked teeth then your child should have an orthodontic evaluation. This can be done as early as 6 -12 years. The average is 8 years. Early treatment can prevent more aggressive treatment options later such as extractions of adult teeth and problems related to unerupted or crooked adult teeth leading to malocclusion and jaw pain later in life. In their preteen years a child’s hard and soft tissues are usually very responsive to orthodontic or orthopedic forces allowing for the best results.
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